Monday 15 October 2012

So my latest hobby is creating political satire in Photoshop from images found online. It is a bit of an addiction doing my bit to get president Obama reelected in 2012. So whilst I should be creating beguiling new brands, copy writing and packaging designs, I am instead trying to make viral images to amuse and entertain the Democratic core or highlight problems with the republican nominee Mitt Romney. Facebook is my main medium for spreading my images, which is a shame because the images on my Facebook album are not found by Google. So I have to duplicate them on my flickr pages. My two most viral images are:

1)I decided to imagine the exchange between George W Bush and Mitt Romney.
When I put this caption on this borrowed photo I thought that this caption was below my standards of satire so I past it on to other pages and didn't put it on my own. As soon as I could see it getting thousands of likes and shares on different facebook pages I decide to lower my standards and accept it as my own. Fickle ain’t I.

2) I saw a text post by Adeline French about Rommunism and just had to make a jpeg, putting my own spin on Rommunism.
You do all the work, You pay all the taxes, We bank offshore, Rommunism.

My personal favorite and most complex Mittigation so far.
I woke up with the idea of rewriting America the beautiful then took it to the next level. Thanks to the original copyright holders of the two images used in this piece of satire. Romney wants to de regulate polluting industries, that will not make America beautiful.

America the beautiful?

O Smoggy polluted skies,
For fields of GMO,
For mining mountain majesties
Above the desert plain!
America! America!
Mitt took His cash from thee,
And crown thy rich, the greed is good
From sea to oil slicked sea!

The strongest and most angry post was a reaction to Mitt Romney plumbing new depths by pandering to the birther community in a “joke”. I just had to put my own spin on that.
“Wading into a debunked conspiracy theory, Mitt Romney raised the issue of President Barack Obama's citizenship Friday by joking that "no one's ever asked to see my birth certificate" At a rally in the suburbs of Detroit, Romney told a crowd of about 5,000 that he and his wife were happy to be back near their childhood home. "They know that this is the place that we were born and raised" the candidate said.”​elections/​mitt-romney-s-birth-certi...

To see more of my anti Mitt Romney satire and humourous jpegs try my Facebook page or my flickr pages.

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