Wednesday 21 November 2012

I was a middle-aged Obamabot. Obama, four more years

I am proud of the tiny role that I played in getting President Barack Hussein Obama elected for a second term. Besides making satirical jpegs I fought on many a Facebook page correcting many of the lies spread by the other side, informing and rallying the troops. After a few months of activity I realized that a word document would be handy to store my rebuffs and information. My efforts were ended by frankenstorm Sandy. here is the file I used:

I can't wait for November to see if the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson can buy America.

R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

R & R, Radical Right wing nuts.

Go Mr Romney pander to all the bigots and haters on your team. R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

Dale Shepherd, you and other crazy birthers like you, are the bottom of the barrel that Romney is scraping, with his coded language. R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

Romney and Ryan say that their policies will balance the budget in ten years. How can they blame Obama for not doing it in four? R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

Romney wants to help the rich when they are not the ones suffering, and then he accuses Obama of being divisive. This would be laughable if it was not so sad. R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

So Jonathan Janson, would Jesus help the rich or the poor?

Jonathan Janson, would Jesus heal the sick?

How is Obama tearing apart the nation?

And lo, it came to pass that Jesus gave the sick Ryan vouchers. Lets have real affordable healthcare not vouchers.

Yes Romney your supporters are showing such patriotic love of their fellow Americans. LOL! R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

I'm not going to knock medics, but I will bash corporations and politicians.

What a cute little corporation. R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

Gail Do, how is the first lady a disgrace?

I love rich white ladies with dancing horses and husbands who hide their tax returns. Those Obamas are so divisive by being black and in the white house.

Who cares how many Swiss accounts Mitt had, or if he profited from the crash, or is a lying tax dodger? Me!

Finally a chance to get Tax dodgers into the White House.

Seems like I have to post this every day since some of you are so ill informed. Obama and Biden both released 12 years of tax returns. TAX RETURNS, Willard.. Willard... WILLARD... W I L L A R D !

Crazy Birthers for Willard, nice.

Did Willard take the 2009 Swiss bank amnesty?

So the republicans gave us Medicare? You will all be fighting to save your Obamacare from Romney's sons in 20 years. R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

Aris Sokratov, what does option mean? I would hate to be forced to have an option, LOL.

Mitt's tax creativity is not anything new:

By “a fate worse than death” do you mean a Romney presidency? Scary.

I pray that Mitt can lower his tax rate come November, and make a lot more money for the needy Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson. Why? Because I bank abroad. R & R, Rewind and Ransack.

Rajan, are you Hindu?

Good night Republicans, may you find more love in your hearts tomorrow.

Romney, Ryan, mostly lying. Obama 2012!

Judy Duke is still spreading the same old lies, she is a great fit with Romney and Ryan since they mostly be lying.

Tell Mitt to come clean:

Keep spreading that horse Mitt:

No GOP war on women? Really?

Romney and Ryan, Rewind and Ransack. A vote for America's Go Back team is a vote to lower Romney and Ryan's own tax rates, crazy. No wonder they are laughing all the way to the bank. The Republicans are saying that America is ready for some R&R, I have my own idea about what R& R stands for.

“Admiral William Mc Raven, the Admiral in charge of the invasion that successfully captured and killed the master mind behind the 9/11 attacks. He had some stellar words about the man whom he credits with making the greatest decisions on that now infamous night, President Obama.”

Dhimmitude , what does it mean?

If you are just forwarding on a web rumor aimed at the ignorant, the gullible or bigots, it means that you are either ignorant , gullible, a bigot or some combination of all three.

Dhimmitude does not appear anywhere in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Please do some research before you embarrass yourself.

Carolyn Soprano, typo? Freudian slip?

Is Judy Duke really Bin Laden? This anti Muslim thing is just a cover. LMAO no she just crazy

The Top tax rate was around or above 80% from 1940 to 1960. Lets return to the good old days:

So if we just give America to the Koch brothers everything will be rosy. Why it's so simple why didn’t I think of it. Romney and Ryan, Rewind and Ransack.

Ida Cling, can I join Bigots for Romney?

Romney can't even deliver bumper stickers and T-shirts and you think that he can deliver a better America? R&R Rewind and Ransack.

More crazy tree huggers ; )

You wouldn't want to save American lives would you?,savinglives.aspx

Rajan Fellows, where did Obama say that? It comes from a piece of satire that some gullible or less informed people want to believe because it reinforces their existing prejudices.

Here are some more lies that you might want to spread Rajan:

As governor of Massachusetts, Romney had been able to tack a mostly pro-gun-control course. Not entirely—the NRA had still given him a "B" during his gubernatorial run in 2002, and he did support a few modest NRA-approved initiatives. But overall, Massachusetts voters were rather predictable on guns, and in 2004 Romney signed what the AP would later call “one of the toughest assault weapons laws in the country.” The Bay State had long had sturdy gun-control laws, and its residents liked them.

Who is the real Mitt ? We need to know the truth, release your tax returns.

Barak, a former Israeli prime minister, went on to specifically praise the current American presidency: “But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing, in regard to our security, more than anything that I can remember in the past.”

Seemingly perplexed, Blitzer challenged Barak to clarify whether he meant President Obama has done more than any any president ever, including President Lyndon B. Johnson. Barak responded that ever since President Jimmy Carter’s administration, “the defense relation between Israel and the United States are extremely stable and good.”

"It doesn’t mean that we agree on everything,” he continued. “It’s very well known that differences between our government and the American administration about peace process about other issues, but I believe that in regard to world turmoil, in regard to Hezbollah, in regard to what happens in Syria, in regard to Iran, we basically agree on the diagnosis.”

The lynching of black people in the United States of America has a long ugly history. This image represents the hanging of president Obama who is a black man and as such it is racist hate speech. It should be removed. Are the people who reviewed the image aware of the history of racism and lynching in the US?

Tara Bamberg, you think that Rajan Fellows sounds smart and logical? Good luck with that.

Obama is campaigning on education :

Mitt quotes Popeye, classy

Obama's trip to India sealed 10 Billion dollars in trade deals, oh and he's not a business man LMAO

Obama's India trip cost 2 Billion dollars Judy Duke? You are so gullible that it's almost funny.

Dodgy Mitt "Equally disturbing is the use of offshore accounts to avoid taxation on US dividend-paying stock. This tactic is called a “total return equity swap,” because it involves swapping real stock equity for derivative paper investments that provide all the same dividends as the stock itself. The stock derivatives, however, are totally tax free."

OK Bill Jenkins , you vote for Romney to lower Romney's tax rate then. Sue Vlahakis, where is this hate coming from?

I'm sure that dancing horses would benefit if Ann became first lady. Dancing horses for R&R, Rewind and Ransack.

Mitt's family got government aid and now he's avoiding taxes, disgraceful "I grew up with stories of his family being fed by the US Government as war refugees"

If your American you don't need the rest of the planet, right?

Tracy Minter is a bigot

Back to Bush with elevator music

What has the GOP done in the last four years?

Clint Eastwood backs the empty suit

George W Bush has gone into hiding? Why didn't they bring him out to talk about the accomplishments of him and his team (now mostly with Romney).

You laugh at the name Barack and vote for a guy called Mitt, funny. “Barak was another of those mighty Hebrew warriors who answered the call of God despite overwhelming odds. His name means "lightning."”

I want to worship the very rich they should have it all, and might give me crumbs if I do as they tell me. R&R, Rewind and Ransack.

Can Mitt still have a soul after worshiping mammon for so long? R&R, Rewind and Ransack.

Is George W Bush hidden away with Seamus and Mitt's tax returns?

The only radical ideology is coming from Ryan and Romney

Betty White wants to talk Paul Ryan:!/photo.php?fbid=343012512454884&set=a.135440809878723.31061.135432559879548&type=1&theater

There are a lot of crazy birthers supporting Romney and lying Ryan, a good fit.

Ryan caught Lying again:

“Ryan last week told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he had run a marathon "Under three [hours], high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."

Even for someone like the hyper-fit Ryan, sub-3 is a substantial accomplishment — requiring a runner to average under seven minutes a mile, a pace most recreational runners can't hold for even a mile or two.

PHOTOS: Paul Ryan's past

When Runner’s World magazine expressed some skepticism about the accomplishment, the Ryan campaign conceded the Wisconsin lawmaker had given the wrong information. He ran a single marathon—the 1990 Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minn. – and that race lists Ryan’s finish as 4 hours, 1 minute and 25 seconds.”,0,2323155.story

If Mitt Romney gets elected he will lower his own tax rate. Under the plans of his second in command Paul Ryan, Romney would pay next to no taxes.

I trust Mitt to fulfill his promise:!/photo.php?fbid=10151013108866104&set=a.10150466287981104.364242.569816103&type=3&theater

Mitt will stand for president of the Cayman islands when he gets his butt kicked by Obama in November.

Economists that I know think that it is naive or even foolish to think that cutting taxes helps to decrease the deficit.

Income tax rates 1913-2011, when was America at it's greatest?

Romney maybe it's best if you don't pretend that you care. Keeping quiet would be your best bet. “Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the final leg of his quest for the White House by visiting storm-battered Louisiana on Friday. He drove through a town that was flooded by Hurricane Isaac in part because it's still outside the vast flooding protection system built with federal funds after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac's flooding.

Chiarello said she told Romney, "I lost everything" and that the presidential contender advised her on how to get assistance. "He said that he was going to do the best that he could for us," she said.

"He just told me to, um, there's assistance out there," Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. "He said, go home and call 211." That's a public service number offered in many states.”

President kisses Saudi prince and holds hands, then bows before Pope:

President shows sensitivity to middle eastern culture:

Mike Wilson, isn't it a bit crazy to post a fake quote and then follow it with a link to where it is debunked? Can you read past the headline?

Mike your quote is debunked on the link you posted. Here is another link also busting that myth spread by bigots and the gullible: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."-Fiction! This is a corruption of a quote from Obama's book The Audacity of Hope. It is from a section that talks about the concerns of immigrants who are American citizens.

Here is the accurate and more complete quote: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

George Romney, good, Mitt Romney, meh.

Mutt and Lying? Meh.

Obamacare is great, thanks for all you help in getting it started Romney.

Does Romney mean that the government is owned by big corporations and Wall st.

Forward, on the right side of history Obama 2012!

“for Barack, success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives.”

Wow Michelle is a great speaker, a beautiful intelligent woman, and an asset for the USA.

What's with all the crazy bigots like Carol Thames supporting Mitt Romney? If Romney's tax returns were irrelevant, he would not be hiding them.

Douglas Slayton, you can buy your own copy of Obama's birth certificate:

I have not seen Romney's birth certificate, what kind of name is Mitt anyhow? ; )

Here are 12 years of Obama's tax returns, where are yours Mitt.. MITT... M I T T !

Winston Churchill “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.”

British Prime Min­is­ter Win­ston Churchill explain­ing his view on health care and gov­ern­ment in 1948: “The dis­cov­er­ies of heal­ing sci­ence must be the inher­i­tance of all. That is clear: Dis­ease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poor­est or the rich­est man or woman sim­ply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assis­tance to the hum­blest cot­tage as read­ily as to the most impor­tant mansion….Our pol­icy is to cre­ate a national health ser­vice in order to ensure that every­body in the coun­try, irre­spec­tive of means, age, sex, or occu­pa­tion, shall have equal oppor­tu­ni­ties to ben­e­fit from the best and most up-to-date med­ical and allied ser­vices available.”

Douglas Slayton, when did Jesus say that corporations are people? Obama 2012!

Lying Ryan :

Mitt Romney? Let Detroit go bankrupt :

Let Detroit go bankrupt: Lying Ryan actual ran that marathon faster than a speeding bullet. LOL Never believe a word he says.

Come on Mitt you can catch up with Michelle Obama, ROFLAO

If we voted for Mitt which Mitt would we get? The liberal who created Romney care, the guy who panders to birthers, or the tool of the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson?

If you are gullible, can't read books for yourself and need someone else to do your thinking for you go and see the movie 2016. Mitt said that he believed in America, not that he promised to keep it open ; ) Romney watch your back with lying Ryan, just sayin.

Romney for Walmart, I'd vote for that, but not for America. America is not a corporation.

Why didn't they get George.W .Bush to speak for Romney?

Elizabeth Warren at the DNC “I grew up in the Methodist Church and taught Sunday school. One of my favorite passages of scripture is: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40. The passage teaches about God in each of us, that we are bound to each other and called to act. Not to sit, not to wait, but to act—all of us together.”

Meh Romney,

doubling down on trickle down
As Bill Clinton says we cannot afford Romney 'who will double-down on trickle-down” or his faulty arithmetic that just doesn't add up. So I have coined the term ArithMITTic to describe Romney's skewed maths.


Romney and Ryan stuck in a cold war time warp

It's time for some nation building at home, Obama 2012.

Obama will not turn medicare into a voucher!

We are citizens not corporations, Obama 2012.

William Sanders I think you are confusing Obama with yourself.

Obama rely hit the ball out of the cricket pitch (That is the correct terminology, is it not?)

I am voting Rongly

who will release Mitt's tax returns first?

The GOP does not own God, or America. Can Mitt and his backers buy their way into heaven?

You puny earthlings will OBEY and vote for Romney. Resistance is futile. He gets it. He will prepare you for the coming intergalactic struggle. End message.

"Mitt Romney talks a lot about all the things he's fixed. I can tell you that Massachusetts wasn't one of them," he said.

"He's a fine fellow and a great salesman, but as governor he was more interested in having the job than doing it."

Larry Flynt Offers $1M Reward for Mitt Romney Tax Returns Hackers, on your mark!By Emma Bazilian

Omnipotent and Omnipresent deities do not need to be reminded of their existence.

In 2007 two politicians had very different ideas about Osama Bin Laden:

Mitt Romney:
“It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.”

“There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans,” “They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf will not act, we will.”

Obama earns Nobel Peace Prize, signs U.S.-Russia treaty to cut nuclear stockpiles by 30% (text, video)

And their plan is Bush on steroids

introducing our bold new jobs plan

Bush on steroids.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan plan to implement the same failed Bush era ideas.

Romney’s top two economic advisors are men who served as George W. Bush’s top economic advisors: Glenn Hubbard and Greg Mankiw.

Will Mitt bear all for Larry?

Mitt Romney felt all too free to comment on Britain and the Olympics.

“Now, normally we wouldn’t address a rumor that’s so patently false, but just this morning the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer repeated this ridiculous claim in his column. He said President Obama “started his Presidency by returning to the British Embassy the bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office.” This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.”

Republicans can run businesses without employees, customers, utilities or friends it must be their ownership of god that helps them do this ; )

Casino King Sheldon Adelson is the one gambling his millions on Mitt Romney.

Mitt will never show more of his tax records, because if the American people saw what was in them, they would never vote for him.

Mitt for Flip flopper in chief

I can see Joseph Smith and a pair of flip flops in the clouds

What does the skull on it's side on the left of the picture signify?

Mitt is not only hiding his tax returns, he also won't reveal the tax loop holes which he says he will close. Maybe the Koch brothers have not told him which ones yet?

I can see Seamus the dog in the clouds

"The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of loyalty to the federal flag and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892 and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942.[1] The Pledge has been modified four times since its composition, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954."

If Mitt can't even deliver free stickers, how is he going to deliver on his big promises?

Some of Mitt's supporters are obviously intimidated and outclassed by the stylish intelligent Obamas. It must be envy that fuels their ignorant rants, Bryan Jackson.

Rajan you talk about loving guns and I will talk about the absence if Mitt's tax returns.

"Anything that happens between now and the election will seem to some to have political motivations," said James Angel, finance professor at Georgetown University. "But either way, the fact that AIG is in good enough shape to buy back shares is excellent. And the deal also shows that the government is getting out of the business of owning large stakes of companies."

Obama and Biden have revealed 12 full years of tax returns whilst Mitt Romney has released nearly two.

How many times over do you want to be able to destroy the world? Obama got the Nobel peace price for decreasing the number of nuclear weapons in the world. You are happy to pay for weapons of mass destruction, but not health care, and then you probably think that you own God too, God help us.

It was the wars, the financial crisis and Bush tax cuts that caused the debt.

There was a time when Jews and Catholics were treated like pariahs in America. I would think that members of historically oppressed groups would be more self aware before being bigots themselves.

I believe that you are using this Facebook identity to masquerade as a black person to insult black people and spread your racial hatred.!/FortPierceBigApple

Paul Ryan does not deserve to represent America. Ryan does not know how to support American heroes.

How is this campaigning? Quatar is pratically a US Aircraft carrier, please do some research before your knee jerk reaction.

“Qatar has built intimate military ties with the United States, and is now the location of U.S. Central Command’s Forward Headquarters and the Combined Air Operations Center.”

You guys can't wait to fight another war in the middle east, do you really think that you can do that without bases in the area? America has to spend more on Education or it is doomed.

Bush said “mission accomplished” to troops in Qatar

“Qatar, a country about the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined, is where the U.S. Central Command has been based since the buildup for the U.S.-led war began. The emirate is making democratic reforms. In late April, an overwhelming number of voters approved the country's new draft constitution that would give elected members a voice in how the country is run. The president also met with Qatar's head of state, Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, to thank him for his support from the Persian Gulf War to the Iraq War. Bush's visit to Qatar, a staunch U.S. ally that allowed the United States to base troops, weapons and combat equipment there, was his final stop on a weeklong trip. It also marked the first visit to Qatar by a U.S. President. “

America has a huge military base in Qatar, they are your allies, dispestect your allies and you are disrespecting your own warriors.

Has anyone here got an atention span long enough to actually watch the video? He is not electionering, Obama is simply doing the job of being president in a complex interconnected world, that you guys canot seem to fathom beyond, they are muslims and muslims are the new bad guys in the b movies of your minds.

George W Bush also addresed Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar as “Your Highnes” “So, Your Highness, it’s such an honor to have you here, and I welcome you, and I want to thank you for your friendship.”

You are obviosly insane if you think that F.D.Rousevelt was a fascist. F.D.R. Played an important role in defeating fascism in europe in the second world war. Obama haters want to call him a fascist, liberal, communist, muslim. It doesent add up, it doesn't make sence, I think that you just don't like him and then come up with various hate labels to stick on him.

So Obama is ten times better than Carter? Wow you must really love Obama, LOL. OBAMA 2012!

Block all Obama supporters? Wow you guys really have a strong love for freedom of speach, and are so at ease with intelligent debate, LOL.

What Mitt will be issuing inflammatory statements that will put our American troops in danger? Very scary.

That comment of his really got my goat.

Get a teleprompter you shifty looking, lying, opportunist, reading from a script.

“As part of its vetting, the Romney campaign required at least some of the candidates on the short list—including the eventual winner of the GOP veepstakes, Ryan—to submit fully 10 years of tax returns, according to a knowledgeable source. The requirement was consistent with the past practices of both Republican and Democratic campaigns. Indeed, in 2008, Mitt Romney turned over 23 years of taxes to John Mccain’s campaign when he was under consideration to be the Arizona senator’s running mate.”

Hilarious, you couldn't make this stuff up. Good find.

Oh dear, Romney, this doesn't look good at all, trailing in his home state:

It looks like he's going somewhere to visit his money or make another diplomatic gaffe.

A lot of Mitt supporters want Mitt to “enter them” LOL. Romney's chief energy adviser is going to do what's best for America before lining his own pockets right?

Mitt seems happy to send other people's sons and daughters around the world to protect his bank accounts. Mitt for more war.

“Are you all surprised to see that Democrats are “richer” than Republicans – and the “rich” are asking to be taxed?”

“Democratic Presidents vs. Republican Presidents: Income and Jobs”

Obama images with flag/flags:

Someone is talking out of their surname

Ricky, I'm so impressed with your political arguments. Did you think of them all by yourself?

Sheila Walker, which foreign newspapers have said that about Obama? All I know of is British newspaper The Sun calling Romney “Mitt the twit”

I know that you can't read Obama's book and interpret it for yourself so you need to see a film that someone else made about it LOL.

Latino birthers for Mitt, nice ; )

Now Mitt has hidden his tax loop hole cutting plans with his tax returns, what next?

Mitt will look after the middle class as well as the very rich. The trouble is that Mitt thinks that the middle class earns $200,000 – $250,000, is that you? If not, maybe you should think of voting for someone else.

Mitt Romney said that he is “Kind of a Snooki fan”. I'm sure that it's in the same way that he is kind of a birther and kind of a Tea party supporter. This guy will say anything to pander to his sophisticated base.

OK Barack Obama is not Muslim, but because you are not very versed in the world outside of America and are scared of the other, you are convinced that he is. It would also seem that you think that all Muslims are bad and that being a Muslim would automatically disqualify someone from serving America. Can you show me where it says that in the Constitution?
It is no more true that all Muslims are bad than it is true that all Christians or Mormons or Buddhists or Hindus are. In times gone by America was scared of foreign Catholics and Jews, but it has come to accept them as their own.

Benjamin Franklin was not a narrow minded bigot:
“When Benjamin Franklin helped establish a non-denominational religious meeting house in Philadelphia, he emphasized its non-sectarian nature by stating that "even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammedanism to us, he would find a pulpit at his service"."

Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Paul Ryan's many lies are well documented. There is a need for marketing tools like this to spread the fact to other audiences as well as entertaining people involved in the struggle against Ryan and Romney. The image is based on facts, humour and satire play a healthy role in political discorse. Almost as soon as the first ruler apeared there were cave paintings poking fun at them.

Yes lets beat the third world on labour costs. R&R Rewind and Ransack

Clean air is for Socialists, pollute baby pollute! R&R Rewind and Ransack

Yea you stick with Romney, American healthcare is just fine. It's the most expensive in the world and doesn’t rank in the first ten for results. But you don't deserve better right?

“US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee said he won it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples". The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament.”

Whenever I can't interpret something for myself I go to right wingnut Dinesh D'Souza to do my thinking for me. LOL

Yeah Poor people forced huge corporations to lend them money. The large corporations tried to resist but the pesky poor people held the huge corporations arms behind their backs till they relented. Oh those naughty poor people. It wasn't run away deregulated corporate greed at all. Lets vote for a Fox to look after hen-house, Romney 2012, R & R, Rewind and Ransack

How are tax cuts for the rich and increased defense spending going to cut the debt Mitt? You still haven’t told us which tax loopholes you would close Mitt. Show us your tax returns Mitt.

I love Romney/Obama care, your best invention.

Where are Mitt's tax returns? doesn't have any records sealed LMAO

Mitt for bungler in chief. Willard will cause world war III if he gets a call at 3am. He even bungled a trip to the UK, America's closest allies. Imagine if Romney got to talk to China or Iran, disastrous.

How can Mitt represent the whole of the USA if he dismisses 47% of its people?

Moochers, like students, unemployed veterans, and the elderly.

That sounds like a question you should level at Paul Ryan, he is on a lying marathon.

“Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks”:

May I remind you “no issues worth discussing here”. Thanks for your discussion, LOL. Good luck if you get what you wish for, may the Lord protect you and yours.

Believe Mitt? Just not in the whole of America eh?

Some of you guys are really confused. Why would being a Muslim make someone want to turn America into a Socialist country? I'm sure that there are Socialist Christians, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, Rastafarians etc. Of course you are wrong on both counts but anyway, just letting you know that you sound a bit crazy. Have a nice day.

On board the Titanic with Mitt?

Mitt, Sinking ship?

Go Mitt, take us back to the recession

Come on Mitt thinks the middle class earns $200,000 – $250,000. What planet is he on?

“My position has been the same throughout my political career, and it goes back to the days of 1970,” he said. “There was a woman who was running for political office, U.S. Senate. She took a very bold and courageous stand in 1970, and that was in a conservative state. That was that a woman should have the right to make her own choice as to whether or not to have an abortion. Her name was Lenore Romney, she was my mom. Even though she lost, she established a record of courage in that regard.”

Loosing will be the best thing that ever happened to Mitt he can learn to be humble, and to care for others with his talents and money.

Mitt keep on speaking, you are Obama's secret weapon.

There you go Janis Jaro, playing the race card again, its that chip on your shoulder. Obama's 2011 tax rate 20.5% Mitt's is estimated at 15.4 %. Obama wants to pay more taxes, because he can afford to. Pay your fare share Mitt and release your tax returns.

How can anyone stand up for Obamacare? If it saved your child's life you might. “At 6 months old, Stacey's daughter Zoe was halfway to her lifetime cap. But because the Affordable Care Act prohibits health plans from setting a lifetime dollar limit on most benefits, Zoe can now live a life without limits.”

We are all Africans

Romney's “truth” is that he is paying too much tax and you are not paying enough, good luck with that.

Third world countries do

I want to see Mitt's spray tan up close. Is he trying to look more like Obama?

What about this? “The South Korea deal is widely hailed as the most consequential trade pact since the North American Free Trade Agreement was ratified in 1994.”

And this “Obama Announces $10B in Trade Deals With India”

I thought that Europe was socialist and socialism does not work, or am I missing something? Romney wants to be more like socialist Europe? Just what is this spray tanned, etch a sketching, flip flopper up to now?

If you're still a crazy birther and want to see Obama's birth certificate. Get your own hard copy here:

Romney has only released two years of tax returns, Obama and Biden both released 12 years of tax returns. TAX RETURNS, Willard.. Willard... WILLARD... W I L L A R D !

Mitt will swallow the ball along with his shiny loafers in the debates. Mitt loves the taste of his own shoe leather.

OMG I just seen a movie that changed my mind, it was so scary it tells me just how the future is gonna be if we vote for that there Mitt Romney. I am now convinced that Romney is an Alien after seeing that there film Alien.

I'm bored with Mitt too.

Spending on military might is not socialism, but spending on affordable health care is. I don't get it you love bombs but not people, is that a Christian thing?

Funny, my bird feeder just brings beautiful birds to my garden. I don't know what you're doing wrong Mad Hatter, but I hope that you enjoy eating your bird seed.

Dew Orlando, it would seem that at a Mitt rally you find bigoted idiots who talk of throwing stones at other people.

Red states are the welfare queens:

I see why you call yourself Mad Hatter, that was quite a crazy statement condemning all Democratic supporters as bigots.

Vote Mitt for a more polluted America. Lets leave future generations a despoiled wasteland.

This is outrageous, pandering to a Tea party minority suggesting that Obama is a danger to freedom.

Sabre rattling Chicken hawk. Spending on military might is not socialism, but spending on affordable health care is. I don't get it you love bombs but not people, is that a Christian thing?

Marty Bohn, do you like lazy white people?

So it would be a waste of time voting for this vulture capitalist then.

“The CBO’s findings mean the tax rates under Obama have been lower than those of Presidents Reagan, Clinton and Bush. That’s right: lower than the GOP icon Reagan, who is widely invoked by the GOP for his tax-cutting prowess.”

Kory you're a birther and your last name is Piles, I almost feel sorry for you LOL

George W Bush was such a great leader that he gave a brilliant speech at the Republican national convention that gave Mitt Romney a bounce in the national polls right? Or did they just hide him and hope that all the voters would have bad short term memories?

Romney looks like a used car salesman to me, no thanks

The trouble is that Romney is only for freedom for corporations. Freedom to pollute, freedom to manipulate markets and @#$% you and me. No thanks.

Is Romney a safe pair of hands? Ann worries about Mitt's mental health:

Maybe keeping your money in America shows a belief in it.

So if Americans commit atrocities you will not apologize Mitt? This is plain childish, not patriotic or Christian.

Paul Kelly Howson, what is it like being an ignorant bigot voting against your own interests?

Maybe losing the election will teach you some humility Mitt.

James 5:16 ESV / 183 helpful votes Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

Helping one woman in the glare of publicity whilst planning to take from millions of similar women in the future. A good deed?

Vote Mitt if you want random handouts and emergency room treatment.

I can't wait to see Romney bury his foot in his mouth, as usual, on Wednesday.

Raciest, very funny:
rac·y (rs) adj. rac·i·er, rac·i·est 1. Having a distinctive and characteristic quality or taste.
2. Strong and sharp in flavor or odor; piquant or pungent.
3. Risqué; ribald.
4. Vigorous; lively.

Donna Little, can you please explain the thinking behind your statement “The person that always brings that up is the raciest themselves.”

Elvina Brady you are priceless, you talk about Liberals calling you racist then go on a racist rant, you are hilarious. Please keep it up ; )

This page has not got 1 million likes Romney has not got 8 million likes, Obama has 29 million likes Are you really buying this bullMitt?

More like unbelievable data rather than amazing data

I like Mitt Romney and would hire him as a tax avoidance specialist, but not as a president.

Mitt was so popular as governor of Massachusetts that he only served one term and probably wont win that state. Mitt is really doing great at running his campaign isn’t he?

Thanks for Romney care Mitt

Mitt is calling for more international intervention, that is plain crazy and would add to the national debt. This guy who bungled a diplomatic trip to the UK will start more wars that we do not need and cannot afford.

Love that comment Cooper ; )

Embrace Israel, I have never Mitt my pants as an adult.

1980? Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan

Mitt Romney didn't want to pull out of Iraq let alone Afghanistan:

I'm very scared of Romneycare

We must keep this country rigged so that only the children of the rich can succeed plus a few statistically insignificant others that we can point to to say the American dream is alive. Romney 2012

I see more hate for Obama than love for Romney on these pages. It is sad that Romney is the best candidate that the GOP could come up with.

Liberal media says the earth is not flat, and the earth orbits the Sun. Do they think that we are that stupid?

Romney is number one (flip flopping, chicken hawk, tax dodging, vulture capitalist)

Mitt please self deport

Freedom is obese children:

With money in the Cayman islands Romney can more easily invest in a Chinese century. What's not to like about that?

Lots of poor oppressed white people, complaining a bout reverse racism. Is that what happens when you see a black person that's better educated and more successful than you?

Make up you mind crazy right wing people is president Obama Communist, Socialist, Fascist or Muslim?

Bette Baker, calling Obama a racist for being bi-racial, and being the president, nice.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Wow, some Romney supporters have so little faith if Romney's prowess that they are already calling liberal bias on the debates, sad.

Mitt has more time for free corporations than for free people. Corporations should be free to rig markets, free to pollute, free to exploit workers.

“Tax Policy Center data show that only about 17 percent of households did not pay any federal income tax or payroll tax in 2009, despite the high unemployment and temporary tax cuts that marked that year.[5] In 2007, a more typical year, the figure was 14 percent. This percentage would be even lower if it reflected other federal taxes that households pay, including excise taxes on gasoline and other items.”

#Dave Wingate, which speech, where, when, please provide a link to video and a transcript.

#Justin, thanks for that video proving that Obama is a Christian and cares about all Americans not just a small percentage.

#Dave Wingate, I don't believe you, I Googled and found no reliable source.

What racist comments did Obama make?

Dave Wingate, you have not answered any of my questions, admit it.

Saying that a murdered child looks like he could be your son is not racist, but a fact.

The aid to Egypt goes to the Egyptian government. This is not new under all the presidents since Reagan hundreds of millions has gone in aid to Egypt. This money goes mainly to the military and American arms manufacturing jobs and middle east peace depends upon it. So Dave you don't have facts, merely your own prejudices, OK.

Gullible bigots for Romney:

Linda Rodriguez, you are believing false rumors and fear mongering. The affordable care act is online for you to read or search for yourself. Download as a pdf and use the search function (it looks like a pair of binoculars). Or you could just keep drinking the right wing cruel aid:

Linda Rodriguez, please enlighten us, your answer was rather wooly and not at all specific, a bit like Romney not telling us which tax loop holes he would close. Maybe his billionaire backers haven't told him yet.

What is Obama's place Dennis? Currently it is The White House.

Keep posting BOB, your facts seem to scare them.

Romney has added steak sauce to his shoe polish for tonight’s debate. Can't get enough shoe leather.

Mitt Romney: '47 Percent' Comments Were 'Just Completely Wrong'. How can anyone believe anything this flip flopping spineless jelly fish says?

Surprise surprise The Spineless flip flopping Romneyfish has done it again. At first he said that his comments caught on phone cam about 47% of Americans being moochers was “not elegantly stated." now he's saying that it was completely wrong. How can anyone believe anything that Mitt Romney says?


See more of my anti Mitt humor here:

Karleen Mkr, never talks to adults? Really? Are you crazy?

What kind of holes do you take us for? Show us your loopholes, and your tax returns, or go and live abroad with your money Willard.

It seems like Mitt picked on the wrong bird when he said he would ax funding for PBS shows like Sesame street. The outpouring of love for Big bird has been amazing and maybe Romney's goose has been cooked and his campaign totally plucked by messing with Big Bird.

After annoying Britain, and threatening China and Iran Romney now wants to start a war with Spain. Is any country safe from this undiplomatic chicken hawk?

If we are paid trolls, why would we go away if you ignored us? Do you have any grasp of simple logic?

Stop funding PBS because quality information should be reserved for the elite. Well maybe you love some of them Mitt, but definitely not all, you seem to love money more.

I think that Romney's reset button got pushed for the debates. How do all you conservatives feel about that?

Remember when Jesus said “lets put bombs before education and healthcare”?

Here are 10 Romney lies told during the first debate:

It's just Romney supporters trying to make you buy more stickers.

Oh this should be popular, Romney says Lets go back to Iraq. Mona how many innocents and Americans died in Iraq?

Look Mona, I could say that only idiots and the rich will vote for Romney, that does not make it true. But which are you anyway?

Amanda Ambrus, how out of date is your information? Please Google Russia to learn more.

Self hating homosexual Jacob?

Obama with the Navy: Obama proposes tax credits for hiring veterans, and shakes admirals hand:,r:20,s:36,i:264 I'll be glad to see the back of Mr Romney. Mitt lost last time, his father lost and so did his mother. I pray to God that Mitt looses this time, we cannot afford to go back to Bush's failed policies.

It's not a pay cut for Romney he's unemployed now, living of his “blind trusts” Whats the number of American deaths in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein verses the number killed in the over throw of Colonel Gaddafi?

A president has to worry about the education of young American's as well as the defense of the nation. Big bird and the armed forces.

Mitt thinks that American troops should still be in Iraq as well as interfering in many other places. I would vote for big bird before voting for Mitt's chicken hawk war mongering.

Please keep up with Mitt's flip flopping, Mitt has since said that his 47% quote was “completely wrong”.

Bush just kissed and held hands with Saudi Royalty. Maybe that's where he is now not seen anything of him, recently. Bush is hiding out with Mitt's toxic tax returns.

Boycott these people

and tell them about it here:!/officialwestgate?fref=ts

The amazing flip flopping Romneyfish

The incredible forked tongued men

“Romney's belive it or not” was the idea of Kristen Black, thanks for the inspiration Kristen.

If you say that it is a record-breaking ground operation it behooves you to say which record or records you are breaking. Obama has raised much more from small individual contributors than Romney has.

Some suckers will believe anything negative about Obama, crazy. Keep drinking the cruel-aid:

Who brought up big bird first? Romney. A president has to worry about the education of young American's as well as the defense of the nation. Big bird and the armed forces.

Kenny Wane seems to be the expert on racists. What is it with Republicans always playing the race card ROTFLMAO!

Clear eyes, false heart, Romney has to loose

You might love the hearts of about 53% of your fellow citizens


Kristen Black requested a “Romney's believe it or not” so I tried a couple.

“The United States produced enough electricity from wind in the 12 month period before July 2012 to power over 11 million US households annually[4] or meet the total energy demands of the Netherlands.[5]”

“Still, it is unclear where Romney got his figure that "half" those businesses are no longer operating.

The Energy Department cites several success stories like one of the world's largest wind farms in eastern Oregon, massive solar power plants in Arizona and grants to Ford to produce fuel-efficient cars. In fact, of the 28 funded projects -- involving 23 companies -- listed in a 2012 congressional report, only four involve businesses that were either sold or are not in operation.”

I would prefer wind turbines to a nuclear power station near me. For America puts up unsubstantiated headlines, and people lap up the cruelaid without any critical thought.

I thank Romney for inventing Obamacare

“I then went to the World Health Organization's detailed database search page and checked statistics for 32 of the countries (Hong Kong is listed at True Cost as a separate country but is considered part of China on the WHO list). I found that America's adult mortality rate is better than Slovenia's but worse than that of every other developed country. Our infant mortality rate is better than that of Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait; but worse than that of the other 27 countries. Our life expectancy at birth is better than that of Brunei and Bahrain; the same as that of Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Slovenia; but worse than that of the other 26 countries. Our maternal mortality rate is better than that of Luxembourg, Brunei, Singapore, South Korea, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates; the same as that of Portugal; but worse than that of the other 24 countries. For these dispiriting results, our government spends less than the governments of eight countries (Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands) but more than the governments of the other 23 countries. But wait -- it gets worse. In addition to government funds, Americans also spend a lot of private money on health care. In fact, we spend more on health care than any other nation on earth.”

You will have to rely on Mitt Romney's charity if he wins, trickle down.

Lyin Ryan loves pork

Good luck seniors here's your Ryan voucher

Romney and Ryan are a couple of loopholes

Biden's gonna knock you out

Ryan wants to make us all Catholics, that is unconstitutional

Romney is no job creator, he does have a proven record of making the wealthy wealthier at any cost.

Ryan is not up to the job.

A man against a boy. Biden knocked Ryan out of the ballpark.

Romney & Ryan and all their malarkey, Obama & Biden knock it out of ballparky

Pork much Ryan?

Biden totally FACT Ryan.

If Biden is a used car salesman, I'm buying. Ryan not so much.

Judith, did you learn to lie from Ryan? You are no Democrat.

You can be as pro life as you like, do not try and force your beliefs on others freedoms and consciences.

Whatever :,r:10,s:20,i:167

When Reagan does it he is patriotic, I guess?


Biden hit Ryan out of the ballpark

Biden was a man, Ryan was a little boy who got whooped.

House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration’s request.) Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected.

Yeah I guess that Google and Microsoft, are just not significant businesses, since they support Obama, LOL: Yes Obama wasted that money, let capitalism go bankrupt, LOL.

Ask Ryan why House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012.

Romney finally releases his detailed tax plan. You know what? I think that he has got the missing ten years of tax returns on there also:

Nice words Mitt but yet again you do not follow up with any detail of what you would do to specifically help women. But we do know what you would cut, making working women's lives harder.

Being a woman shouldn't be considered a pre-existing condition—and thanks to Barack Obama, it's not.!/photo.php?fbid=10151114505526943&set=a.413933741942.188832.12301006942&type=1&theater

Romney for more body bags, and less big bird

Lets take America back, to sweat shops and polluted rivers Romney 2012

Mr Romney where are your tax returns? Still waiting..

Mitt supporters are quoting from Pravda, a Russian newspaper to back up their week arguments (maybe they are communists LOL).

The GOP had to settle for Mitt, I pray that the country does not.

Sylvia speaks the truth

I want to take a swing at Tagg

“his servile courtship of the tea party in order to win the nomination, and now as the party’s shape-shifting nominee. From his embrace of the party’s radical right wing, to subsequent portrayals of himself as a moderate champion of the middle class, Romney has raised the most frequently asked question of the campaign: "Who is this guy, really, and what in the world does he truly believe?"” Amy Kobb, some knowledge of world history would help you better understand the present.

Where has Romney stated that he will definitely cut all aid to Egypt? Israel would not be happy if Romney cut the sweetener that keeps peace between Egypt and Israel.

I am a Liberal and I want to see the film 2016, I have my own mind and do not need to be told what to think by Dinesh D'Sinner. I can interpret Obama's books all by myself, but I want to see what weak arguments feeding into your preexisting prejudices you are falling for.

Am I really meant to take this sort of writing seriously? “Obama was claiming that she and her husband were still paying off substantial student loans and were struggling to pay for piano lessons for their daughters, one of whom just happens to look remarkably like one of the daughters of Malcolm X.” Please, looks like Malcolm X, forgetaboutit.

What black families cannot color coordinate in black and red without crazy accusations, please I am sure that I can find pictures of Ann Romney in black and red. If you are just scared of other cultures and black people please just come out and say it.

“On election night in 2008 in Chicago’s Grant Park, Obama just happened to wear a black suit and a red tie, and his older daughter just happened to wear a red dress, and his younger daughter just happened to wear a stark black dress, and his wife Michelle just happened to wear an arguably unattractive black dress that appeared to have a giant red X design, which just happened to prompt some to wonder if their clothing just happened to denote black power, communism, and Malcolm X, and at the very least prompted others to wonder why anyone would have his daughter wear a jet-black dress for a celebratory occasion—or where one could even just happen to find a store that sells black dresses for little girls.”

Who is the scary man in the picture? Is it something for Halloween? The person who pics the pictures must me an Obama supporter LOL!

Victoria Croce Potts, why do yo have a pagan profile picture if you are not a pagan?

Over 4000 American casualties in Bush's war in Iraq:

Wow the number of crazy birthers supporting Mitt, is enough to put me off of Mitt. I do not want to associate with them.

“House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012.”

I see lots of poor folks voting for Romney. They must be well indoctrinated, as well as poorly educated with regards to the impact on their lives, if Romney gets elected. I wonder who controls the right wing media that they believe in? Good night Romulans.

Who needs a free and fair election anyway, democracy is overrated, LOL

Wow people believe Dinesh's flimsy film rather than the clear evidence of four years of Obama going after America's enemies. That is totally crazy.

All Mitt had was labels, he had no substantive difference with Obama on foreign policy. Maybe Mitt was slightly better at bowing down to Israel better than Obama and better at cleaning Bibi's shoes with his tongue. I give him that.

Romney said that Syria was Iran's route to the sea. That is an epic fail in geography for him.!/photo.php?fbid=363569700399165&set=a.135440809878723.31061.135432559879548&type=1&theater

Maybe the leader of the free world should be aware of basic geography, specially after training for months.

Mentioning Cool aid is not an argument.

2 Trillion dollars worth of horses and bayonets for a stronger America LOL!

Ronald Getz, where do you think that Christianity and Judaism comes from if not the middle east? You are so small minded that I understand why you follow Romney.

According to "Dying for Coverage," the latest report by Families USA, 72 Americans die each day, 500 Americans die every week and approximately Americans 2,175 die each month, due to lack of health insurance.

Romney all the way...............................back to Switzerland or the Cayman islands. Look he has a choice.

What a bout the 72 Americans that die every day because they don't have health insurance?

Over 4000 American casualties in Bush's war in Iraq. I guess that makes Bush a true patriot. 4 American casualties in Obama's war in Libya and you want to impeach him.

WOW there are Latino birthers, really crazy. This stuff is so weird it's almost entertaining.

Before the Republican conference Mitt was saber rattling about Iran and China, this week he is a man of peace. WTF is Romney on? I think you are all suffering from Romnesia.

Romney is a throwback to the 1950's he invested in Pizzas and Stationary stores (the past and present) not risky hi-tech start ups (the future). We need a president for the 21st century, Obama 2012 forward.

40% of global military spending is American, this is crazy, some of this money should be invested at home in America’s crumbling infrastructure. This would create more jobs and make America more competitive in global commerce.

Only big oil and Wall St will get invites to a Romney White House, the rest of you are being fooled. I'm going to label Romney a, flip flopping, tax dodging, etch a sketching, 1% loving, saber rattling, chicken hawk, birther. I will also label China as my favorite country for fast food. I bet they are both terrified. Look out it's Romney and he is armed with labels, the world shakes. Why has no one tried to stop Iran from developing labels? LOL Denise don't you want to cut firemen, teachers, and police, LOL

We have no idea what loopholes Romney will close he just is not going to tell us. Why? What is Romney hiding?

I bet that the Koch brothers know what loopholes Romney is going to cut.

I bet that Sheldon Adelson knows what loopholes Romney is going to cut.

We cannot afford 4 more years of Bush's failed policies

One of the most important issues at stake in this election Former Secretary of State Colin Powell supports Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States of America. Colin Powell saw Obama steer America through the tough economic times and thinks that as we are just coming out the other side it is not time to change our leadership. Colin Powell also called out Romney as someone who changed his mind too often on important issues and who is surrounded by neocon advisers.

You all could be in deep Mitt if you commit to that shady guy. “From 1987 to '89, Secretary of State Colin Powell was appointed as President Reagan's security adviser in the wake of the Iran-Contra scandal.

Remembering the late president, Secretary Powell tells co-anchor Hannah Storm there are many lessons he learned from the late president:

"How to stay calm in the midst of turmoil.

"How to have a vision and never lose sight of that vision no matter what storms come along.

"How to have a sense of humor to break the tension.

"How to make sure the vision you have is the same vision people working for you have, so you can accomplish things as a team.””

Romney can not show his tax returns!!! It would cost him the election...... and Romney supporters still blindly follow their messiah...

Muammar Gaddafi is no longer a threat to America, the world, or his own people.

Obama's war in Libya has cost 4 American lives. Bush's war in Iraq cost over 4000 American lives.

Were just coming out of the recession and Romney wants to take America in another direction? back to a depression, crazy.

Mitt Romney is vague, thanks Former Secretary of State Colin Powell ; )

Republicans.. I have an important Question

How will Romney pay for tax cuts for the rich, unwanted defense spending, and Debt if China won't let him borrow more money and the Money Printing Press goes down?? Its unfortunate that if Romney wins..those of us who voted for a better America will have to pay for what the others were so blind to see...lets see 4 years of NOTHING...Lying and covering stories up ...and keeps doing it.... but don't worry he can do more sucking up to big Oil!

Now Romney has stolen Obama's change line, creep. Yeah change back to Bush, Romney is full of #BullMitt

Foreign policy buffoon that really sums up Mitt

Wrong Stan, Romney did believe in man made global warming, then he didn't, now he's not so sure.

Vote Romney, lets get some stone age right-wing Supreme Court judges

American oil production is up but it is a global market

Over 4000 American casualties in Bush's war in Iraq and you call him a patriot. 4 Americans die in Obama's Libyan war and you want to impeach him. Double standards?

Looks like a very bad case of mass Romnesia to me

I feel very insecure, we can only destroy life on earth 5 times over, I felt much more secure when we could destroy it 10 times. Romney for more expensive nukes.

I want to see Trump's college records, I can't believe that that bad hairstyle with no brains could pass any exams.

Romney has only provided two years of tax returns. Obama and Biden have both provided 12 years of returns. When Mitt's father, George Romney, was a candidate for President in 1968, he released 12 years of tax returns because, as he said, ‘One year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show.’

I would love to see these brave Americans try and disrespect our first lady to her face. They are very “brave” on Facebook, LOL.

Obama believes jobs come from government. Romney believes it is done in the private sector. Then Romney should stay in the private sector where he belongs LOL

Republicans will never realize that we need to cut spending!!!! Bush era tax cuts, Defense, etc etc can and Big Oil can survive without govt help. Ask a Republican what programs they want to cut and they will tell you how Obama eats dogs and was born in Kenya.

If “Government is not the solution”, please don't waste your time voting.

You must spend too much time watching Fox news if you think that Obama hasn't got a plan. I'm sure that even you can use something called Google:

Jesus Christ was a community organizer and never had a proper job in his life, LOL. Mitt would have made millions with that water to wine and loaves and fishes stuff. Just saying.

Obama has blood on his hands, Bush has a swimming pool full.

Jesus supported paying your fair share

Yeah America the polluted, from sea to oil slicked sea. We need more mercury poisoning, go Romney.

Why are so many Romney supporters blaming president Obama for their own inadequacies? If self reliance is your mantra, quit whining and take your fate in your own hands. After all government does not create jobs, remember?

Bush was POTUS for 8 years. The worst recession since the Great depression started under Bush. Bush started 2 costly wars. Many of Mitt Romney's policies and advisers are Bush hand me downs, and you don't want us to mention Bush? No wonder Bush is nowhere to be seen, and was in hiding during the Republican national conference.

“Even if Romney could persuade the IRS his involvement was legitimately active, that still leaves him in a rhetorical jam: For tax purposes, he claims an active status; for political purposes, he claims to have zero to do with the investments.”

“Members of Congress didn’t exempt themselves from the law. This is one of the biggest “zombie-lies” about Obamacare that has been thoroughly debunked. Why ignorant people continue to believe it is a complete mystery (although perhaps people like Trump getting frequent airtime on Fox News to push their lies might have something to do with it). “

“once the lion’s share of the ACA kicks in on January 1, 2014, not only are Members of Congress and their staff obligated to play by the same rules as the rest of us, they will actually be required to follow a more restrictive path to their health insurance than you and I.”

I'm happy to fight the Republican fundamentalists who want to take the country back to the 1950s. Forward Obama 2012.

Mitt will not raise taxes on the middle income. The trouble is that he defines that as households earning $200,000 to $250,000. Obama 2012.

Ronald Reagan’s Ambassador to Moscow, Jack Matlock “The polls and pundits assure us that the presidential election November 6 will be close. Some even speak of a virtual tie. They are probably right, and if they are, this raises serious questions about the rationality of large segments of the American public. It will be interesting, and important, to try to understand why so many Americans seem determined to vote against their personal interests and against their country’s future as a vibrant, prosperous, creative society. It should be crystal clear that any vote for Romney and most of the Republicans now running for national office is precisely that—a vote against the future of America and also against the personal interests of the vast majority of its citizens.”

Mitt Romney is the Bain (bane) of American workers:

Mitt Romney, one Nation under the dollar, divisible, with liberty and justice for those who can afford it.

Here is Obama's plan for those of you that think he has not got one:

Here is a list of patriotic millionaires asking for their taxes to be increased:

Why are so many Republicans believing all the lies about Obama care? Don't they have any critical thinking skills? Please check your tainted facts before yo spread them. Obama is not exempt from Obamacare, the hint is in the name, LOL

Mitt would cut FEMA

“The claim that 7 million jobs would be created from Romney’s tax plan is a 10-year number, derived from a study written by John W. Diamond, a professor at Rice University.”

Bush and his advisers chose to go to war in Iraq:

“That is, roughly, analogous to what is expected to happen with tropical storms and hurricanes as the world gets warmer. Warmer seas mean more energy in the cyclone systems that form tropical storms, which, it is hypothesised, means higher wind speeds; warmer air can carry more moisture, meaning, theoretically, more rainfall. Apparently the Earth's atmosphere is roughly four per cent more humid than it was in 1970. More wind, more rain: you can see why climate scientists have long proposed that global warming will increase the frequency and intensity of hurricanes.”

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Jon Martin Fine Art Photographer

Three of my fine art photographs have been chosen to be part of black history month in Manchester in the UK. The exhibition is called “Location Relative”  and will be held in the Contact space in Manchester  as part of its “Afro Vibes” festival  featuring contemporary theater, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa to Manchester.The three pieces are:

Totem bowls (Some of these bowls were broken in the belly of a ship on their journey to America) was made in 2008 in London. Three of the bowls were bought in Brixton from a British Nigerian potter the others were bought in various London charity shops. I was trying to unite my love of design with my photography to create something new. On moving to America in 2010 some of the bowls were broken in shipping, giving the piece the subtitle, whilst others were broken in daily use. As another fragile vessel this has highlighted for me the magic of photography holding small slivers of time still for ever.

Design totems was made in 2009 in London. Here I was trying to create my design totems to express my own aesthetic language, a careful balance of the kitsch, ancient, natural, eternal, fake, elegant, and fools gold, using some of my favorite objects.

Animal totems was made in 2011 in Hoboken New Jersey, USA. I found this group of characters that just demanded to be captured. My favorite thing about this work is seeing my feet in socks reflected in the golden pig. The objects that make up this piece were purchased in the USA, UK and Kazakhstan at thrift stores, chain stores, charity shops, an international fair, and museum shops. Two of the characters have asked me to use them again and I hope to oblige them before they get broken.

See more of my fine art photographs,or hire me to take your portarait.

Or contact me at Jon Martin