Tuesday 16 July 2013

A mile in my shoes, abandoned shoes on the streets of Manhattan

Abandoned shoes on the streets of Manhattan are not a rare sight. Sometimes a particularly well made pair of sturdy shoes vacated by their previous owner can trigger a set of leathery questions.

On this day I happened to walk over 10800 steps (after I got my new pedometer from Jacks world) photographing Manhattan restaurants and food for Zagat in my own shoes.

As I tread my path between restaurants I keep my creative eyes open looking for something worthy of storage space in my minds cloud.

I did not shoot the old guy engaged in an intense phone conversation whilst ignoring the guy shining his shoes, but I did photograph a pair of abandoned shoes and an abstract painting made by remains of the walls of a demolished building clinging on to the side of its still standing neighbor and mixed the two together to create “a mile in my shoes”.
